
Shrove Tuesday is only a week away and I’ve got the perfect pancakes recipe for you… MERMAID PANCAKES! I mean, what other pancakes would I create?! In this blog post I’m going to be taking you through all of the steps to create this delicious masterpiece; from the pancake mix to how to plate it up.


To create 12 pancakes.
Flour – 300g
Semi-skimmed milk – 600ml
Eggs – 2 large
Blue Food Colouring
Vanilla Essence
Edible Glitter
Squirty Cream

mermaid pancakes recipe ingredients
mermaid pancakes recipe ingredients
mermaid pancakes recipe ingredients


Step 1: Whisk the eggs, flour and milk in a mixing bowl.

Step 2: Once a smooth consistency add in a drop of the food colouring, vanilla essence and a little sparkle of edible glitter.

mermaid pancakes recipe

Step 3: Heat up a frying pan on the stove and add a little butter. The butter helps the pancake to not stick.

Step 4: Once the pan is hot, use a ladle (this helps to measure the pancake batter required) to transfer the mixture from the bowl to the pan.

Step 5: Leave the pancake to cook for a minute or so, start edging around the sides of the pancake with a spatula and when you’re ready, get flipping!

Step 6: Once the second side is cooked, you’re ready to plate up!

Step 7: Squirt cream down the centre of the pancake, and because there isn’t enough glitter in the pancake, you add a touch more on top of the cream.

mermaid pancakes recipe

Step 8: Roll it up and you’re ready to tuck into your mermaid pancakes! Enjoy!

mermaid pancakes recipe

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