
No taking that back now. I have a moustache. It’s out in the open and I hope with this blog post I can help someone else who has the same problem.

Growing Up

Growing up I started to look in the mirror more and the more I looked, the more I noticed black hair on my upper lip. I hated it. I felt like I looked like a boy. Being so young I was so confused, I kept thinking why do I have hair here? Is it normal? I was embarrassed and there was nothing I could do about it. It wasn’t until secondary school until it really affected me. I would get a bus to school and over time of building friendships on the bus there was a group of us that would always sit together. We’d joke about and have fun but it soon got nasty. One day a guy on the bus drew a picture of all of us, but when it came to me he drew me with a moustache. I was mortified when he shared the picture around on the bus. Nobody stuck up for me and I held my tears back. As soon as I got home I burst into tears. It was one thing I hated about myself and it was at that point I knew other people had noticed too. Nobody had ever said anything to me up until that point and ever since then everything changed. When people would talk to me I’d constantly be worrying whether they were looking at my moustache. I’d follow their eyes to see if they  were looking into mine or at my upper lip. It made me so self-conscious and everyday I’d live in fear someone else was going to say something nasty.


When it came to dating I found it really hard. I never had any long relationships, they’d last about a week or two. I was always very nervous around guys and I found that I could rarely be myself. One thing that saved me a little bit was Jolen – a facial bleach kit. My mum knew how much I hated my hairy upper lip and she told me that my auntie dealt with the same issue and that she bleached it to make it less noticeable. I remember the first time I bleached mine and I was so surprised at how much better it made it. The hair was still there but it was white instead of black. This gave me a little boost in confidence and over time I felt like I could start to be myself a little more.

I then met Robin and it made me so happy that he liked me for me. There were times though that I felt self-conscious around him, I’d find his eyes would linger around my upper lip. I actually confronted him about it one day, and Robin being Robin said he hadn’t even noticed I had hair there. I think he was just being kind and thoughtful as that’s his personality but I didn’t believe him. When you’re so self-conscious about something you hate nothing is going to change that.

Things Changed

One day I was at my mums with my sister and she was waxing my other sister. We got talking about my upper lip as she also knew my feelings towards it and she said come on let’s wax it. I was very against it at first but she knew lots about waxing as she was taking a beauty therapy course. My biggest worry about getting it waxed was how it was going to look when it grew back but she assured me the hair wouldn’t get thicker and over time less would grow back.

So I did it. I got my upper lip waxed and OH MY LORD WHY HAD I NEVER GOT THAT DONE BEFORE?! I couldn’t believe the results. NO HAIR! I had NO HAIR! My moustache was gone and I instantly felt a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I remember putting my makeup on for the first time after having it waxed and I felt like a new person. Boy I was so so happy that it wasn’t there anymore. I could say bye to the stares and the worry that it gave me. If it wasn’t for my sister I’d still live with that anxiety today. So I’m truly grateful for that.


Moving forward to today, I still wax my upper lip and I do it in the comfort of my own home with the Nair Facial Wax kit. It’s so easy to do and you see results instantly. Some hairs are a bugger to get out, but I just pluck these out. I’d say I wax my upper lip about every month and then on days where there might be a dark hair or two I just pluck them away. It’s as simple as that. The hair still grows back dark but it’s very thin and sparse.

If you struggle with hair on the upper lip and it’s affecting your confidence, then I would definitely recommend waxing it. It’s scary at first, but honestly it changed my life and took the worry away.


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