
Last weekend, Ice Watch invited me out to Belgium to be a part of their 10th Anniversary and I’ve got one word for it. WOW. It was an amazing, once in a lifetime experience and I’m so grateful they involved me. If you follow me on YouTube, you might have already seen why it was an amazing experience as I featured the whole trip in my weekly vlog. I would definitely recommend heading over to my YouTube to watch it as my photos don’t do it justice.


We started our weekend at London St Pancras, where we boarded the Eurostar to Brussels. We then took a taxi to our hotel which was a few hours away, deep in the countryside. We were staying in the same hotel as all of the other 30 international Bloggers that had also been invited. There were bloggers from Poland, Japan and even Italy! Just from knowing people had flown from all over the world to be there for the 10th Anniversary of Ice Watch, you knew it was going to be a good one. We arrived at the hotel pretty late, so we all ended up just going straight to bed! Travelling really does take it out of you.


This was the day of their 10th Anniversary and Ice Watch had a full itinerary organised for us. First stop was to their head office where we were greeted with a delicious breakfast! We were given a tour of the whole building, which was pretty cool! Whoever is in charge of the interior and artwork, has a very good taste! We then met the founder of Ice Watch and were educated about the brand and shown how far they’ve come over the last 10 years. They then threw a competition for us all to design an Ice Watch bracelet strap, and the best design won theirs to be produced. I sadly didn’t win, but I had a lot of fun designing mine. I hadn’t sat down and taken time out to draw or doodle for a while, and it actually felt really nice.

ice watch head office

ice watch lo ice watch design

After our morning at the Ice Watch head office, it was time for lunch! We were taken to a restaurant where we were given 3 delicious courses and lots of prosecco. Once we were re-energised it was time for some Belgium chocolate! We went to a small chocolate factory in the heart of this quaint village and greeted by the cutest man ever. He was so passionate about chocolate and he gave us a little session on how they make them and what they do. We even got to taste test whilst we were there and the chocolate was heaven. Once we were all chocolate’d out, we headed back to the hotel to freshen up for the party. There was a dress code of bold, bright colours for the women, so I opted for this amazing sequin, orange dress to wear.

belgium lunch


The party was being held in Ice Watches distribution warehouse and started at 6.30pm with prosecco and canapes! We got a few outfit shots and then headed into the main room to sit for dinner. The dinner wasn’t going to be any dinner though, it was a surreal dinner. None of us knew exactly what this meant, but we had heard rumours of people dressed up and lots of different things going on. Well the introduction to the dinner was just absolutely insane! HORSES! Yes HORSES with a carriage strolled in, followed by a band! That was definitely a show stopping way to start the dinner. And from then on, it just got absolutely mad. It was hard to process what was actually happening! I can tell you now, there were A LOT of ‘ooo’s’ and ‘ahh’s’! 100% go and watch my YouTube video, you need to witness it! Once the dinner ended, we were led into another room where a very well known French singer was performing. It was honestly a surreal night – which is what I think it was meant to be! But WOW! What an experience to be apart of.

ice watch 10th anniversary

ice watch surreal dinner


We went to bed pretty late on the Saturday night after the party, so we were extremely tired when we woke up on Sunday. But it was time to head home. It was a flying visit, but I had such a fabulous weekend! Thank you Ice Watch!


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