
Now you’re all probably thinking… THE EXORCIST? Is she being serious? I know most people despise thrillers but this genre is one of my favourites. When The Corner Shop PR contacted me to see if I wanted some press tickets, I jumped at the chance. I’ve never really done the whole London theatre experience; I’ve been once and that was to see the light hearted show Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, which was actually really good. Before getting the email, I had never even contemplated seeing a thriller in the theatre, I didn’t even know it was a thing. But since seeing The Exorcist, I want to experience thriller theatre shows even more. The play was so cleverly executed I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Exorcist is being shown at the Phoenix Theatre near Tottenham Court Road until March 10th 2018; so you’ve got some time to book your tickets! The show has been adapted from the William Peter Blatty’s 1971 novel, but it’s still very similar to the film. Which I hope you have all seen, it’s literally one of the most iconic horror movies. And if you haven’t let me fill you in quickly… It’s about a young girl who becomes possessed by demons and a priest performs an exorcism on her. Throughout the show there’s a lot of sexual swearing, blood and head spinning and that’s not all of it.

the exorcist

One thing I loved about the show was how clever the sound effects and lighting was. The stage hardly changed sets; each scene would flip from one side of the stage to the other and whilst one side was being used, the other would be in complete darkness.

The young girl is played by Clare Louise Connolly and I have to say she was amazing. To pull off the demon like poses, facial expressions and foul mouth that she adopts during her possession was brilliant. She made it feel so realistic and it left you wondering how she managed to do it.

the exorcist

I don’t want to give too much away as I honestly think you should go and see it for yourself. It’s not as scary as I thought it was going to be, it’s more creepy than anything. And because it’s a theatre show it’s not actually jumpy compared to if you were watching a film.

You can book tickets here.


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