2020 GOALS & REVIEW OF 2019


How are we already over a week into 2020! I've had my first proper week back working and I'm feeling positive. I feel like 2020 is going to be a good year. I mean I hope it is, I am always a bit skeptical about being overly positive in case I get disappointed. I think a lot of people are similar to me with that. 

For the last 2 years I've sat down and written a blog post about my goals for the year ahead and I feel like it's a great thing to do. So here we are again. 

I've had a little glance over my goals last year and I definitely did a good job at trying to succeed in them.

Let's Review 2019 Goals

Move into our new house - We finally achieved this! It wasn't easy. There were a lot of ups and downs and things that held us back, but we finally moved into our new house in September 2019. Not something we had planned to happen, we had hoped to move in back in March 2019, but we're in and we love it. We have so much more space and I finally have a proper set up to run my business. I've still kept up @sophiehannahhome on Instagram which is going really well! Who knew I'd love interiors as much as I do.

Continue Travelling - I definitely travelled well in 2019. I got to hit Coachella up a 3rd time which was amazing! Robin and I went to Vegas, Stockholm and Ibiza together. We had a wedding in Guernsey, I also went to Ibiza with In The Style, LA with NYX again later on in the year. Paris and L'Oreal and Made.com - yup my first ever press trip for @sophiehannahhome! I was super lucky to have been given these amazing experiences!  

Collaborations - Now I didn't completely achieve my 2019 goals, I've still got lots of ideas in the pipeline, but I did get to collaborate on some pretty amazing campaigns and with iconic brands. I designed my own Limited Edition phone cases with Antwerp Avenue, became a hair ambassador with Tangle Teezer for the year and even had my face in Primark windows around the UK for a month! Pretty epic! 

Continue Growing Sophie Hannah - Hitting 1 million followers in 2019 was something I never ever thought I would do. I had never thought it was possible. But I've entered into 2020 with 1.4 million of you on Instagram which is absolutely insane! I'm so grateful to each and every one of you! 

Spend more time with loved ones - This is something I got better at in 2019 and am still pushing for. Making time for others is so important and I did some super fun things in 2019 with my friends and family.

It's now time to set myself new goals for 2020 and it's something I've already started thinking about.

Finish off renovating - There's not much else to be done, but I would really love our house to be completed by summer. I've already got a decorator booked in to finish our hallway, my flooring guy is sourcing flooring for me and my builder has been round to chat about my garden ideas. So I've already got the ball rolling for the final bits that need doing. Robin and I turn 30 this year and we'd love a summer party to celebrate, hence why the garden needs to be completed.

Instagram - If you follow me on YouTube you will have seen I'm stopping weekly vlogging. It's taken over my life too much and it feels like a chore. I feel bad on the days I haven't done much and worry you guys will be bored and then I force myself to film things and it just doesn't come across as natural. So instead I'm going to try and post chatty Instagram stories and give you guys an insight into my everyday life that way.

I'm also going to be focusing more on IG Live this year. I want to try and get my personality across more on that channel as you guys tend to just see my super slick tutorials. My lives will be themed and I have planned to do 2 per month. Other than that, I'm super happy with how my Instagram is going.

YouTube - So I'm stopping weekly vlogging, but not vlogging altogether. I'm taking a different approach this year and instead of filming everyday, I'm going to just vlog the big things and in more detail. So Festivals, travel, if I do something with the house, my birthday etc. Anything that I think will be interesting I will vlog and share with you all. I'm not going to stress over trying to post certain days and times, I'm going to try and post when I have content. I have so many ideas of what to film already and I will do my best at posting at least once per week.

Even for my sit down tutorial kind of videos, I want to just try be a bit more chatty. I also want to start sharing exclusive videos on YouTube and slow down on the Instagram cut downs of them. So that way people can follow me on whatever outlet they prefer, or across all without seeing repetitive content.

YouTube is a channel I still want to crack but I need to find my feet first.

TikTok - Tiktok is my new favourite thing! I absolutely love making little fun edits or dancing videos. I'm going to try and post at least once a day on here if I can! So make sure you come follow!

Blog - this is something I slacked on in 2019... I paid a designer to redo my whole site and then never used it. Ooops! But I'm back and I plan to get at least 2 blog posts a month up. Some will be focused on my house, others maybe travel or more personal. I'm also going to make sure I update the Outfits page weekly so you guys have somewhere to shop my looks or look at my outfits in one place for inspiration.

Sustainability - I love Vivienne Westwood's quote 'Buy Less, Choose Well, Make It Last', and I'm going to try and stick to this for 2020. I feel like everyone is trying to make more of a conscious effort to give back to the environment and this is going to be my way of doing that. We all have to start somewhere, even if it's small steps at first. I'm going to try and think more about what I'm buying and who I'm buying from. I've already started making a list of sustainable fashion brands and doing a bit of research into it all and it's super interesting.

I'm also going to bring back my love for vintage and charity shop shopping. I used to do it all the time but stopped as my style changed. But I want to get back into it again as thats a super sustainable way to buy clothing.

Travel - I say it every year but I still want to continue my love for travel and discovering new places. I've got a few ideas of where I'd love to go this year and some trips already booked. Finland for Robin's 30th and Ibiza for my sisters hen party! Very much looking forward to see where life takes me this year.

Personal Life - A big goal this year is to be less stressed and try to have more of a positive outlook. Sometimes things won't go my way and that's fine. Things happen for a reason or just take time. Sometimes I push myself so hard to achieve things and sometimes it's best to wait and let things happen slowly. So for 2020 I'm going to do just that. I'm going to carry on doing my thing, but not let work stress me out too much. I've taken on the help of Robin this year as the role of Instagram Husband! He's has his first working week and already loving it. He will take the pressure off me to edit all of my content which will be a huge help.

I also want to continue planning in fun trips or outings with friends and family. It's important to give yourself downtime and I did so well towards the end of 2019 to have my weekends to myself, so it's something I'm going to stick to now we're in 2020.

That's a lot of goals but a lot of these I have already started and hopefully they will just become habit this year.

2020 bring it on!


Sophie x